Hosted Jupyter and Streamlit Dashboards, ML Model Deployment and Scheduled Jobs

The top rated cloud ML platform that runs on every cloud. Loved by data scientists and IT Security alike.

Nestle Vital Proteins
Mount Sinai
Custom Ink
Mercury Insurance
Flatiron School
Broad Institute
Glean AI
Advent Health
Hi Bio
SM Energy
Maze Therapeutics
Stanford University



Managing the cloud for ML teams is painful

Cloud resources are expensive. If someone leaves something on when they go on vacation they could blow the monthly budget.

Security is critical. One wrong move and someone can expose proprietary data and intellectual property on the internet.

When individuals configure their own servers you end up with multiple ways of doing the same thing, and no deployment is reproducible.

Scaling parallel jobs is hard. Dask and Ray clusters can be hard to run efficiently with fault tolerance.

Saturn Cloud: How it works

Step 1: Configure credentials for data access and Git

Code that runs in Saturn Cloud is just vanilla Python and R code. We load your code from Git and it reads data from the same place it currently reads from. We use IAM roles when possible to authenticate and and encrypted secrets otherwise.

Step 2: Specify the libraries your code needs

Everything running in Saturn Cloud runs in a Docker container. Bring your own docker images, or customize our images with the Saturn Cloud image builder. Developing in docker means your work is much more reproducible..

Step3: Develop in the cloud with JupyterLab, PyCharm or VS Code

Saturn Cloud Development Workspaces feel like developing on laptops, except you have much better hardware. Workspaces support SSH so you can connect any desktop IDE like PyCharm or VS Code.

Step 4: Deploy your work as a deployment or a job

Code deployed in Saturn Cloud runs in the exact same environment it was written in. Deployments can be any web application. Build dashboards with Streamlit, Shiny, Plotly, or Bokeh. Deploy models with Bento ML or FastAPI. Jobs can be any script. Use them for daily ETL or model retraining.

Available on Every Cloud

Get the best prices and services across multiple cloud providers with the same user interface

Tech specs

What's Included

  • Jupyter and R development environments
  • Support for desktop IDEs including PyCharm and VSCode
  • Training, fine-tuning and data processing jobs
  • Job Scheduling
  • Model deployment including endpoints for LLMs
  • Managed Dashboards including Streamlit, Plotly, Bokeh and Panel
  • Fine grained access control including IAM role support
  • Administrative tools, cost controls, and quotas
  • Installation within your cloud account and VPN
  • Support for restricted internet access and transparent proxies

Available Integrations

  • Model versioning
  • Model monitoring
  • Experiment tracking
  • Vector databases
  • Data storage and data warehouses
  • Enterprise identity providers and SSO
  • Connections to on-premise infrastructure
  • Networked storage
  • Intrusion detection and response platforms

Loved by Engineers and AI Leaders

  • Saturn makes it easy for our analysts to spin up Jupyter servers of any type on demand. The flexibility in being able to define custom docker images, startup scripts, etc. is phenomenal. I love the integration with Prefect Cloud, as it lets us seamlessly run our data ingestion pipeline using the same code and in the same environment as our analysts do their work.
  • Saturn Cloud makes my work so much easier. When I sit down at the beginning of the day, I just want my environment to work. I want my favorite packages installed and available on demand. I want it to be easy to scale my workspace and have it shut down automatically when I'm done. Saturn Cloud solves all of that. Their customer service is also top-notch.
  • We had a portfolio backtest taking nearly 20 minutes to run before the team at Saturn Cloud took a look at it. Between advising us on our code and dispersing the work across parallel processing via Dask, this backtest was completed at a rate several hundred times faster, taking only a few seconds to execute.
  • Taking runtime down from 60 days to 11 hours is such an incredible improvement. We are able to fit in many more iterations on our models. This has a significant positive impact on the effectiveness of our product, which takes many iterations to perform at the standard necessary for our customers.

Run Saturn Cloud anywhere, anyway you want

Run Saturn Cloud on the cloud or on-premises. Saturn Cloud is available for you to self-manage anywhere or as a fully-managed cloud service.


Featured partners

Flexible pricing for every data scientist, team, and company

Hosted Free

For individual data scientists, hobbyists, and exploratory learners

$0per month

  • 64GB RAM and GPU instances
  • Access to JupyterLab, RStudio, and Dask
  • Models, Dashboards and Jobs
  • Upgrade to Hosted Pro for more hardware - up to 4TB of RAM and 8 GPUs. Billed hourly in $10 increments.
most popular badge for saturn pricing

Hosted Orgs

For teams of data scientists, ML/AI engineers, and researchers

$5credit purchase to start

  • Pay by the hour billed in $10 increments.
  • Share resources easily across team
  • Create and manage group-owned resources
  • Admin tools to monitor and control usage


For teams, startups, and research groups requiring additional security

Chat with us

  • Installs in cloud environments offered by AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google, Oracle, and CoreWeave
  • Advanced security: SSO and installation into custom VPCs and private subnets available
  • Dedicated technical support

Try Saturn Cloud today

Start on a free Hosted Pro plan to see what Saturn Cloud can do. On a team? Contact Us!