How to Search for String in all Pandas DataFrame Columns and Filter

As a data scientist or software engineer, you often work with large datasets and need to find specific information within them quickly. One common task is to search for a string in all columns of a Pandas DataFrame and filter the results. In this blog post, we will discuss how to achieve this using Python and Pandas.

As a data scientist or software engineer, you often work with large datasets and need to find specific information within them quickly. One common task is to search for a string in all columns of a Pandas DataFrame and filter the results. In this blog post, we will discuss how to achieve this using Python and Pandas.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Problem
  3. Conclusion

What is Pandas?

Pandas is a popular open-source data manipulation library built on top of NumPy. It provides a powerful data structure called DataFrame that allows you to work with tabular data in a flexible and efficient manner. Pandas is widely used in data analysis, machine learning, and other scientific computing applications.

How to Search for a String in all Pandas DataFrame Columns

To search for a string in all columns of a Pandas DataFrame, you can use the apply and map method to apply a string search function to every cell of the DataFrame. The function will return a boolean mask indicating whether the string is present in each cell. You can then use the any method to check if any of the values in a row or column match the search string.

Here’s an example:


    Name  Age Country
0  Alice   25     USA

In this example, we create a DataFrame with three columns: Name, Age, and Country. We define a search function that takes a string and a search term and returns True if the search term is present in the string (case-insensitive). We then apply this function to each cell of the DataFrame using the apply, map method and create a boolean mask indicating whether the search term is present in each cell.

We use the any method with axis=1 to check if any of the values in each row match the search term. This returns a boolean Series that we can use to filter the original DataFrame using the loc method.

The resulting filtered_df DataFrame contains only the rows that match the search term in any of the columns.


Searching for a string in all columns of a Pandas DataFrame and filtering the results is a common task in data science and software engineering. Using the apply , map method and a search function, you can easily create a boolean mask that indicates whether the search term is present in each cell. You can then use the any method to check if any of the values in each row or column match the search term and filter the DataFrame accordingly.

Pandas is a powerful and flexible data manipulation library that is widely used in data science and machine learning. By mastering its capabilities, you can become a more productive and effective data scientist or software engineer.

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