📣 Introducing $2.95/Hr H100s on Saturn Cloud Pro: train, fine-tune, and scale ML models affordably, without having to DIY the infrastructure 📣 Introducing $2.95/Hr H100s on Saturn Cloud Pro: train, fine-tune, and scale ML models affordably, without having to DIY the infrastructure 📣 Introducing $2.95/Hr H100s on Saturn Cloud Pro: train, fine-tune, and scale ML models affordably, without having to DIY the infrastructure
← Events and Videos
August 4, 2020 | 2:00-3:00 PM EST

100x Faster Compute: Scaling Python For Data Science on AWS

Aaron Richter, Saturn Cloud

Learn how to run up to 100x faster data science workloads in Python with Dask and RAPIDS and understand the infrastructure that’s necessary to launch high performance clusters and GPU machines in AWS.