📣 Introducing $2.95/Hr H100s on Saturn Cloud Pro: train, fine-tune, and scale ML models affordably, without having to DIY the infrastructure 📣 Introducing $2.95/Hr H100s on Saturn Cloud Pro: train, fine-tune, and scale ML models affordably, without having to DIY the infrastructure 📣 Introducing $2.95/Hr H100s on Saturn Cloud Pro: train, fine-tune, and scale ML models affordably, without having to DIY the infrastructure
← Events and Videos
February 23, 2020 | 2:00 PM EST

Workshop: Speeding Up Transfer Learning

Stephanie Kirmer, Saturn Cloud

Join our upcoming workshop to learn best practices for faster, better performance on transfer learning and deep learning modeling tasks, how to train a computer vision model on a multi-machine GPU cluster using PyTorch, and more.