Computer Vision at Scale With Dask and PyTorch

Applying deep learning strategies to computer vision problems has opened up a world of possibilities for data scientists. However, to use these techniques at scale to create business value, substantial computing resources need to be available ā and this is just the kind of challenge Saturn Cloud is built to solve!
In this tutorial, youāll see the steps to conducting image classification inference using the popular Resnet50 deep learning model at scale using NVIDIA GPU clusters on Saturn Cloud. Using the resources Saturn Cloud makes available, we can run the task 40x faster than a non-parallelized approach!
Weāll be classifying dog images today!
What youāll learn here:
- How to set up and manage a GPU cluster on Saturn Cloud for deep learning inference tasks
- How to run inference tasks with Pytorch on the GPU cluster
- How to use batch processing to accelerate your inference tasks with Pytorch on the GPU cluster
Table of Contents
- Setup
a. GPU - Inference
a. Preprocessing
b. Run the Model
c. Putting It All Together
c. On the Cluster - Evaluate Results
- Compare Runtime Performance
Saturn Cloud provides customizable, ready-to-use cloud environments for collaborative data teams.
Try Saturn Cloud and join thousands of users moving to the cloud without
having to switch tools.
To begin, we need to ensure that our image dataset is available and that our GPU cluster is running.
In our case, we have stored the data on S3 and use the
library to work
with it, as youāll see below. If you would like to use this same
dataset, it is the Stanford Dogs dataset, available here:
To set up our Saturn GPU cluster, the process is very straightforward.
import dask_saturn
from dask_saturn import SaturnCluster
cluster = SaturnCluster(n_workers=4, worker_size='g4dn8xlarge')
client = Client(cluster)
#> [2020-10-15 18:52:56] INFO -- dask-saturn | Cluster is ready
We are not explicitly stating it, but we are using 32 threads each on our cluster nodes, making 128 total threads.
Tip: Individual users may find that you want to adjust the number of threads, reducing it down if your files are very large ā too many threads running large tasks simultaneously might require more memory than your workers have available at one time.
This step may take a moment to complete because all the AWS instances
that we are requesting need to be spun up. Calling client
at the end,
there will monitor the spin-up process and let you know when things are
ready to rock!
GPU Capability
At this point, we can confirm that our cluster has GPU capabilities, and make sure we have set everything up correctly.
First, check that the Jupyter server has GPU capability.
#> True
Awesome- now letās also check each of our four workers. torch.cuda.is_available())
#> {'tcp://': True,
#> 'tcp://': True,
#> 'tcp://': True,
#> 'tcp://': True}
Here then weāll set the ādeviceā to always be cuda, so we can use those GPUs.
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
Now, weāre ready to start doing some classification! Weāre going to use some custom-written functions to do this efficiently and make sure our jobs can take full advantage of the parallelization of the GPU cluster.
Single Image Processing
def preprocess(path, fs=__builtins__):
'''Ingest images directly from S3, apply transformations,
and extract the ground truth and image identifier. Accepts
a filepath. '''
transform = transforms.Compose([
with, 'rb') as f:
img ="RGB")
nvis = transform(img)
truth ='dogs/Images/n[0-9]+-([^/]+)/n[0-9]+_[0-9]+.jpg', path).group(1)
name ='dogs/Images/n[0-9]+-[a-zA-Z-_]+/(n[0-9]+_[0-9]+).jpg', path).group(1)
return [name, nvis, truth]
This function allows us to process one image, but of course, we have a lot of images to work with here! Weāre going to use some list comprehension strategies to create our batches and get them ready for our inference.
First, we break the list of images we have from our S3 file path into chunks that will define the batches.
s3fpath = 's3://dask-datasets/dogs/Images/*/*.jpg'
batch_breaks = [list(batch) for batch in toolz.partition_all(60, s3.glob(s3fpath))]
Then weāll process each file into nested lists. Then weāll reformat this list setup slightly and weāre ready to go!
image_batches = [[preprocess(x, fs=s3) for x in y] for y in batch_breaks]
Notice that we have used the Dask delayed
decorator on
all of this- we donāt want it to actually run yet, but to wait until we
are doing work in parallel on the GPU cluster!
Format Batches
This little step just makes sure that the batches of images are organized in the way that the model will expect them.
def reformat(batch):
flat_list = [item for item in batch]
tensors = [x[1] for x in flat_list]
names = [x[0] for x in flat_list]
labels = [x[2] for x in flat_list]
return [names, tensors, labels]
image_batches = [reformat(result) for result in image_batches]
Run the Model
Now we are ready to do the inference task! This is going to have a few steps, all of which are contained in functions described below, but weāll talk through them so everything is clear.
Our unit of work at this point is batches of 60 images at a time, which we created in the section above. They are all neatly arranged in lists so that we can work with them effectively.
One thing we need to do with the lists is to āstackā the tensors. We
could do this earlier in our process, but because we are using the Dask
decorator on the preprocessing, our functions actually
do not know that they are receiving tensors until later in the process.
Therefore, weāre delaying the āstackingā as well by putting it inside
this function that comes after the preprocessing.
def run_batch_to_s3(iteritem):
''' Accepts iterable result of preprocessing,
generates inferences and evaluates. '''
with's3://dask-datasets/dogs/imagenet1000_clsidx_to_labels.txt') as f:
classes = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()]
names, images, truelabels = iteritem
images = torch.stack(images)
So now we have our tensors stacked so that batches can be passed to the model. We are going to retrieve our model using pretty simple syntax:
resnet = models.resnet50(pretrained=True)
resnet =
Conveniently, we load the library torchvision
contains several useful pretrained models and datasets. Thatās where we
are grabbing Resnet50 from. Calling the method .to(device)
allows us
to assign the model object to GPU resources on our
Now we are ready to run inference! It is inside the same function, styled this way:
images =
pred_batch = resnet(images)
We assign our image stack (just the batch we are working on) to the GPU resources and then run the inference, returning predictions for that batch.
Result Evaluation
The predictions and truth we have so far, however, are not really human-readable or comparable, so weāll use the functions that follow to fix them up and get us interpretable results.
def evaluate_pred_batch(batch, gtruth, classes):
''' Accepts batch of images, returns human readable predictions. '''
_, indices = torch.sort(batch, descending=True)
percentage = torch.nn.functional.softmax(batch, dim=1)[0] * 100
preds = []
labslist = []
for i in range(len(batch)):
pred = [(classes[idx], percentage[idx].item()) for idx in indices[i][:1]]
labs = gtruth[i]
return(preds, labslist)
This takes our results from the model, and a few other elements, to return nice readable predictions and the probabilities the model assigned.
preds, labslist = evaluate_pred_batch(pred_batch, truelabels, classes)
From here, weāre nearly done! We want to pass our results back to S3 in
a tidy, human-readable way, so the rest of the function handles that. It
will iterate over each image because these functionalities are not batch
handling. is_match
is one of our custom functions, which you can check out
for j in range(0, len(images)):
predicted = preds[j]
groundtruth = labslist[j]
name = names[j]
match = is_match(groundtruth, predicted)
outcome = {'name': name, 'ground_truth': groundtruth, 'prediction': predicted, 'evaluation': match}
# Write each result to S3 directly
with"s3://dask-datasets/dogs/preds/{name}.pkl", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(outcome, f)
Put It All Together
Now, we arenāt going to patch together all these functions by hand, instead, we have assembled them in one single delayed function that will do the work for us. Importantly, we can then map this across all our batches of images across the cluster!
def evaluate_pred_batch(batch, gtruth, classes):
''' Accepts batch of images, returns human readable predictions. '''
_, indices = torch.sort(batch, descending=True)
percentage = torch.nn.functional.softmax(batch, dim=1)[0] * 100
preds = []
labslist = []
for i in range(len(batch)):
pred = [(classes[idx], percentage[idx].item()) for idx in indices[i][:1]]
labs = gtruth[i]
return(preds, labslist)
def is_match(la, ev):
''' Evaluate human readable prediction against ground truth.
(Used in both methods)'''
if'_', ' '), str(ev).replace('_', ' ')):
match = True
match = False
def run_batch_to_s3(iteritem):
''' Accepts iterable result of preprocessing,
generates inferences and evaluates. '''
with's3://dask-datasets/dogs/imagenet1000_clsidx_to_labels.txt') as f:
classes = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()]
names, images, truelabels = iteritem
images = torch.stack(images)
with torch.no_grad():
# Set up model
resnet = models.resnet50(pretrained=True)
resnet =
# run model on batch
images =
pred_batch = resnet(images)
#Evaluate batch
preds, labslist = evaluate_pred_batch(pred_batch, truelabels, classes)
#Organize prediction results
for j in range(0, len(images)):
predicted = preds[j]
groundtruth = labslist[j]
name = names[j]
match = is_match(groundtruth, predicted)
outcome = {'name': name, 'ground_truth': groundtruth, 'prediction': predicted, 'evaluation': match}
# Write each result to S3 directly
with"s3://dask-datasets/dogs/preds/{name}.pkl", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(outcome, f)
On the Cluster
We have really done all the hard work already and can let our functions
take it from here. Weāll be using the .map
method to
distribute our tasks efficiently.
futures =, image_batches)
futures_gathered = client.gather(futures)
futures_computed = client.compute(futures_gathered, sync=False)
With map
we ensure all our batches will get the function applied
to them. With gather
, we can collect
all the results simultaneously rather than one by one. With
we return all the futures, ready to be calculated when
we want them. This may seem arduous, but these steps are required to
allow us to iterate over the future.
Now we actually run the tasks, and we also have a simple error handling system just in case any of our files are messed up or anything goes haywire.
import logging
results = []
errors = []
for fut in futures_computed:
result = fut.result()
except Exception as e:
We want to make sure we have high-quality results coming out of this model, of course! First, we can peek at a single result.
with's3://dask-datasets/dogs/preds/n02086240_1082.pkl', 'rb') as data:
old_list = pickle.load(data)
#> {'name': 'n02086240_1082',\
#> 'ground_truth': 'Shih-Tzu',\
#> ['prediction': \[(b"203: 'West Highland white terrier',",
#> 3.0289587812148966e-05)\],]\
#> 'evaluation': False}
While we have a wrong prediction here, we have the sort of results we
expect! To do a more thorough review, we would download all the results
files, then just check to see how many have evaluation:True
Number of dog photos examined: 20580
Number of dogs classified correctly: 13806
The percent of dogs classified correctly: 67.085%
Not perfect, but good looking results overall!
Saturn Cloud provides customizable, ready-to-use cloud environments for collaborative data teams.
Try Saturn Cloud and join thousands of users moving to the cloud without
having to switch tools.
Comparing Performance
So, we have managed to classify over 20,000 images in about 5 minutes. That sounds good, but what is the alternative?
](/images/blog/upload_bebbb7bba606ec8c9fb2ef41a2fb66e0.webp āblog-imageā)
Technique | Runtime |
No Cluster with Batching | 3 hours, 21 minutes, 13 sec |
GPU Cluster with Batching | 5 minutes, 15 sec |
Adding a GPU cluster makes a HUGE difference! If youād like to see this work for yourself, sign up for the free version of Saturn Cloud today!
About Saturn Cloud
Saturn Cloud is your all-in-one solution for data science & ML development, deployment, and data pipelines in the cloud. Spin up a notebook with 4TB of RAM, add a GPU, connect to a distributed cluster of workers, and more. Request a demo today to learn more.
Saturn Cloud provides customizable, ready-to-use cloud environments for collaborative data teams.
Try Saturn Cloud and join thousands of users moving to the cloud without
having to switch tools.